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All Chakras are supported with these 108 stones + one Guru stone offering the energies for overall well being, universal awareness, healing for Earth/individuals, enhancing meditation, psychic protection, grounding, hormonal balance, vitality, emotional harmony, stamina, amplified intentions, expanded awareness, inner peace, union of heart and will, dispelling worry/restlessness, inner vision, truthful communication, royal virtues, spiritual protection, purification, clearing negative or addictive emotional patterns.

A Mala bracelet may be used for meditation and yoga practice helping one to stay focused while repeating intentions or a mantra very personal to the wearer. The Guru Stone represents the teacher(s) in your life, including you. Avoid skipping over the Guru Stone counting only on either side of it. The numbers 108: 1 = the one Universe; 0 = nothing and everything; 8 = Infinity. There are six sets of 18 stones totaling 108 + the Guru Stone. Namaste.