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E004, LOVE JOY, Quartz Crystal, Faceted Black Onyx, Titanium Spinel, Hematite, Stainless Steel Ear Wires, $15 per pair

Healing Properties

Quartz Crystal supports all Chakras, amplifies all other stones, is the Master Crystal and known as the Stone of Light and Love, offering spiritual awareness and Chakra opening. 

Black Onyx supports the Root, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakras offering inner strength, mental focus, memory, vitality, calming and soothing. 

Spinel (Black/Titanium) supports the Solar Plexus, Crown Chakras offering revitalization, overcoming fatigue/trauma/illness/negative thoughts, and encourages hope. 

Hematite supports the Root Chakra offering a sense of self, grounding, self forgiveness that counteracts spaciness and confusion.